Tagged “practices”

The Lost Art of Prototyping

27 Dec, 2009

Derisking is critical to validating the team's direction. Let's get back to it.


Agile: The Good Parts

14 Sep, 2011

Agile gets a terrible rap in some circles. Here are some things that I've really valued from the movement.


Continuous Testing

30 Jan, 2015

Thousands of tests, dozens of times per day. Here's how we do quality assurance in a continuoius delivery environment.


Reclaiming Value from Bugs and Outages: Thoughts on Post-Mortems

08 Mar, 2015

Post-mortems are a critical mechanism for driving massive improvements. Here's how.


Why does Bad Waterfall Happen to Good People?

20 Jul, 2017

How do we dismantle the waterfall of work and start working together better?


Working Without Estimates

22 Oct, 2017

There are a lot of things that suck about traditional estimates. So we stopped using them.


Zero Defect Policy

28 Mar, 2018

There's a vastly simpler way to manage defects than what most teams do.


Cross-functionality is a Secret Weapon for Product Development Teams

03 Oct, 2018

Here I describe a bunch of magical properties to cross-functional teams that I've seen over the years.


The Trap of Solution-First Thinking

24 Feb, 2019

How can we do better than "Best Practices"?


The Downward Spiral of Test-Later Automated Testing

25 Jul, 2020

If you're not doing TDD, your testing efforts can get away from you pretty quickly.



02 Nov, 2020

How you do QA is probably terrible. Let's chat about the worst "best practice" in quality assurance.


Sometimes TDD

19 Jan, 2022

Let's get less dogmatic about TDD and talk about some scenarios where's it's really really valuable.


Hey that seems longer than 2 weeks

28 Apr, 2022

I've stumbled upon a style of estimation that I've seen be pretty successful. I'll call it "2W+ Estimation".


Breaking It Down, Part I

30 Apr, 2022

The majority of software developers don’t really know how to do a very effective work breakdown and the results are often absolutely disastrous.


Breaking It Down, Part II

09 May, 2022

I previously explained why you should care about a good work breakdown. In this post, I’ll start to dig into how.


Breaking It Down, Part III

19 May, 2022

Thin Vertical slices are generally the best practice for work breakdowns, but they're still not as common as they should be, so I'll try to describe them more here.


Breaking It Down, Part IV

23 May, 2022

Here's the last piece of the puzzle: What does a good work breakdown look like as a whole?


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